AmigaOS3.5 (651/967)

Date:19 May 2000 at 09:42:59
Subject:RE: Anti-virus programs...

I don`t stick to one.

Its not unheard of for me to run two virus checkers over files.
I currently have no favourite, and in terms of Anti Virii, you often can`t
as some people fix, or find solutions to virii whereas others don`t.


-----Original Message-----
From: leond []
Sent: 18 May 2000 10:09
Subject: [amigaOS3_5] Anti-virus programs...


On 18-May-00, wrote:

D> Thats a somewhat reckless statement.

D> All Amiga users should at the very least run an upto date anti virus
D> program from time to time.

D> Any - and I mean Anything downloaded should be scanned - whether its from
D> Aminet or Not.

D> De-archive to RAM, Scan, then install.
D> I de-archive any internal archive files as will within main archives.

D> There have been several Virii on aminet and having 100% trust is a tad
D> reckless.

D> Regards
D> AdmV

Sounds good, but you didn't answer the original poster's question. What
current virus checking software are you and people using? Why that package
and not some other?


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